
Buy crypto in minutes.

Want your hands on the world’s leading cryptocurrencies? Buy and sell everything from bitcoin to cardano in the Lunar app with our user friendly platform. Here, crypto is for everyone.*

  • Buy crypto with trading fees as low as 0.29%.
  • Trade through a Danish and transparent platform.
  • Always buy at the best rate.**

* When you trade cryptocurrency, you have to be aware that all trading involves a risk. The value of cryptocurrency can go both up and down, and in some cases, you may lose the entire amount you have purchased cryptocurrency with. Cryptocurrency trading is done through Lunar Block. Lunar Block is not regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet). That means you won’t have the same protection as when trading e.g. stocks or other regulated assets.

**We’re cooperating with not just one, but three of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges: Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp. That means you will find the best rate across the three exchanges when you buy a coin in the Lunar app.

Here's what you'll get.

  • The world’s leading cryptocurrencies
  • Ability to buy and sell without a wallet
  • Simple trading platform with no buzzwords
  • No hidden fees
  • Best crypto prices across three of the largest exchanges
  • Guide to tax reporting to Skat
  • Track price developments and set price alerts on currencies you follow

Get started in minutes.

Some say crypto is the currency of the future. And with Lunar Block, it’s never been easier to get started. You don’t have to create an account, a wallet, and a key for your wallet, like at most other places.

With us, all you need is the Lunar app and your MitID. That makes it both fast to get started and fast to trade.

Hassle-free trading platform.

We’re taking crypto out of the dark and making it accessible for everyone. In fact, trading with us is so easy that even your grandparents could trade here and understand the risks that follow.

In the app, you’ll get an overview of the different cryptocurrencies and the risks you need to be aware of. The platform is simple and there are no incomprehensible buzzwords. In other words: No hassle.

Why you should choose Lunar Block.

Buy with peace of mind using a Danish trading platform.

Don’t feel completely safe when trading with a foreign provider? With Lunar Block, you’re trading with a Danish, transparent and trustworthy platform. That means you can trade with complete peace of mind - but remember to always be aware that trading cryptocurrency involves risks.

Get your balance into your Lunar account.

It’s often a problem for traders that their bank won’t accept money that comes from cryptocurrency trading.

You don’t have to worry about that when you have an account in Lunar Bank, as you can always get your balance into your account.

Buy at the best rate.

We’re cooperating with not just one, but three of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges: Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp. That means you will find the best rate across the three exchanges when you buy a coin in the Lunar app.

Low trading price. No hidden fees.

Transfer fees, currency surcharges, and distribution fees. Ouch! With other crypto providers, there are often hidden fees on top of the trading price. But not with Lunar Block. This is a space free from hidden fees.

With us, you'll be presented with a low trading fee. The fee depends on your chosen plan and the amount you wish to buy or sell.

See the full price list here .

Get our lowest trading price with Unlimited.

When you have an Unlimited account with Lunar Bank, enjoy our lowest trading price. See the full price list here .

We'll help you with your tax report.

Every year, it's your own responsibility to report your gains or losses to the Danish Tax Authority (Skat). It’s not as unmanageable as you may think, because we’re here to help.

We'll give you an overview of all your trades annually, when it's time to report your taxes, and with it, you’ll be getting a guide on how to report it to the tax authorities. With the guide, you can handle taxes in a few minutes.

How to get started.

  • 1

    Download Lunar for free

    Go to App Store or Google Play and download the Lunar app. Find your photo ID, as you need that to sign up.

  • 2

    Sign up to Lunar Block in the app

    Find Lunar Block under “Products” and sign up. You’ll be asked to take a test about crypto first - among others things, it’s to see if you’re aware of the risks. You can learn more about the risks in the app before you take the test.

  • 3

    Buy cryptocurrency with a single swipe

    When we’ve approved you, you can buy crypto immediately. Choose your cryptocurrency in the app and buy with a single swipe.

Your questions answered

Trading with crypto involves risk

All trading with crypto-assets involves significant risks. The value of your crypto-assets can both increase and decrease, and you risk losing the total amount you have invested in crypto-assets. We do not provide any advice on purchasing crypto-assets, and we will not give any recommendations for buying or selling crypto-assets. Therefore, no information from Lunar Block should be considered a recommendation, and all decisions are entirely up to you. However, we can provide factual information about the price and development of each specific currency. Historical performance is not an indication of future performance. Crypto-assets trading occurs through Lunar Block A/S, which is part of Lunar Group A/S. As Lunar Block A/S is not a bank or a payment institution, this means you have less consumer protection and are not covered by the Danish Guarantee Fund. Lunar Block is regulated by a financial supervisory authority and subject to applicable laws and regulations in the area.