
Business benefits.

Discounts and deals for your business.

Save more than 17,500 kr. with Lunar Business. When you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you can end up spending far too much time on things like accounting, stock management, contracts and other routine work.

With Lunar Business Essential and Limitless you can save more than 17,500 DKK on some of the best services to automate your workflow and give you more time to focus on what matters.

Easier administration

Salary: 50% discount the first year

Salary is the best choice when you need to automate your payroll. With Salary, the payroll process is simplified and automated, so you avoid errors and save time on manual work.

Legal desk: 20% discount

Don’t have a CVR number yet? Save yourself the trouble and let Legal Desk create it for you. Getting help from Legal Desk won’t take you any longer than 15 minutes, and you’ll have your CVR number within 24-48 hours.

Meneto: Save 1.000 DKK the first year

Meneto is a digital, all-inclusive accounting solution that takes care of your bookkeeping, VAT, taxes and annual report for a fixed monthly price. Leave your accounting to Meneto and worry less about VAT and tax deductions.

Revisor1: 500 kr. discount

Focus on running your business, while Revisor1 take care of the accounting. Get DKK 500,- discount on accounting assistance with Lunar! Get domain and Explorer Hosting for free

With, you get all the help you need to build your website. The best tools to design the website yourself, web hosting and personal email all in one package, so it’s as easy as possible for you to do business online.

Contractbook: 40% subscription discount

Contractbook is a platform that helps you manage contracts in your company. Handle every contract in Contractbook— from the initial draft to the final signature.

Cuttles: 50% subscription discount

With the Cuttles app, you get the help you need to plan everything in your startup. In the app, you can make your pitch deck, write your business plan and make financial forecasts. Cuttles saves you time and makes sure you’re fully prepped for your investor meetings.

Smarter webshop management

Shopbox: 25% off on the first year

With Shopbox, you get a POS system that gathers all your payments, data and inventory in one place. The POS system can also be integrated with your accounting system and much more. Shopbox provides you with a complete overview of your business.

Aveo: 10% off on web design and digital marketing services

Enjoy Aveo’s web design and digital campaign expertise. With Lunar, you have access to a 10% discount on Aveo’s web design services and digital marketing services.

LogiSnap: Manage your webshop shipments with ease

With LogiSnap, you’ll get control over your shipment logistics. The platform gives you a clear overview of your shipment agreements, and you can also order shipping and labels. We’ll double your first deposit into your account up to 500 DKK - so if you deposit 500 DKK, you’ll have 1000 DKK available. You can use the DKK 1000 for both shipping and labels.

Better planning

Butter: 20% subscription discount

Butter is the ace in your pocket when planning and hosting interactive meetings. You get an all-in-one platform that helps you to manage projects and for example, to facilitate workshops and brainstorming sessions with your business partners.

Network and community

Accelerace: Up to 5 months of free startup mentoring

Accelerace provides you with the help and mentoring you need to scale a successful business. Amongst other things, you’ll get online courses tailor-made for you and a five month accelerator program to boost your business once and for all.

Frequently asked questions.